Ragi Cookies

Ragi Cookies


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Cookies are happy foods its filled with energy and sugars and it excites kids and elders. Do you know when it was found? Cookies appears to have originated in 7th century AD in Persia. Then it travelled around the world and due to its sweetness people loved it and there is no house without cookies these days. It ahs evolved very much through ages now. Cookies are shared to their loved ones during Christmas and New year. Cookie hampers are very much used as gifts for families and friends. But the cookies are made with refined flour and refined sugar and the kind of butter used is not known. We at biteskart are making cookies that are healthy and tasty, with millets. No refined flour, no refined sugar and no margarine. We only use millets, jaggery powder and best quality butter. Get your kids the best cookies which also contains pure chocolate from https://www.biteskart.com


A 4000 year crop which has been found in the archaeological excavations of the Harappan Civilization which existed almost in the late Iron Age has been given different names in different languages like ragi in Kannada, Telugu and Hindi, Ariyam or Kel varagu in Tamil, Taidalu in Telangana region and many more names in different places. It easily grows in eastern and southern African countries and southern Asia, especially in India and Nepal.


  • Highest Protein Content – An incomparable protein content with rice and easily digestible for kids is this ragi laddu as it is made of jaggery powder, pure certified organic ghee and organic ragi. The reason for which it is the first food that we start to give babies even when they are even 4 to 6 months old is only because it digests quickly. 
  • Premier source of calcium – Nearly 5 to 30 times higher calcium content than the other cereal is present in Ragi and in a delicious laddu form which gives enormous energy. Not only calcium but also rich in potassium, phosphorous and iron and thus, reduces risk of osteoporosis.
  • A natural antibiotic – Ragi acts as against a number of bacteria causing food poisoning including Bacillus cereus. Ragi is the best food when you have typhoid. Any kind of skin and soft tissue infections are perfectly cured with ragi.
  • Potential of anti-cancer properties – A byword in health books today is “anti-oxidants” and that is available in ample amounts only in the cheapest available whole grain ragi.
  • Fiber rich food – As it is rich in fiber, ragi has always proved to help in weight loss. Consumed in the morning times when you are very hungry these laddu gives instant energy to you for the whole day to be active enough.
  • Totally reverts skin ageing – Those who need a young and youthful skin have to definitely eat ragi on a daily basis. Only one source of vitamin D in your food and is a best carrier molecule for calcium accounting for your vitality. Due to collagen cross-linking, the stiffness in your skin is reduced. 
If you like this ragi chocolate cookies, get your pack of your favorite cookies from https://biteskart.com/product-category/all-products/

“A sweet and healthy treat”

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