Millet Cookies

Who says the kitchens of south only make traditional dishes?? We bang this saying with a twist and trend by baking cookies from millet. Isn’t it a fusion with variety!!! With no second thoughts and guilts, you can now order online at biteskart and feed your children with this healthy cookie variety . There is no added preservatives, Maida or coloring agents. What’s filled in it is only abundant sum of iron, calcium, potassium and protein nutrients which are gluten free, diabetic friendly, easy digestible and much more.

Each bite of the cookie is an add on of abundant health benefits

Choose your favorite from wide range of millet cookies

Just like the 7 wonders of the world that mesmerize us with its beauty, at Biteskart we are here to make you mesmerize with our 7 ranges of millet cookies . We have Foxtail millet , mixed millet, finger millet, Kodu Millet ,Barnyard Millet, Sorgum Millet and little millet. Gone crazy of what to pick and what to try next, leave the confusion behind and order them together from our website to dissolve in the vibrance and sense of taste .

Making and baking of the cookies

This cookie goes well with your teatime or as a perfect snack on your kids lunch box.

The millet of your choice and adequate amount of whole wheat flour are sieved well into a fine powder. The finest of powder are then slightly roasted along with broken cashews to bring out the seasoning and then set aside. Once it cools down, melted and refined jaggery syrup which are known for its high iron content and antioxidants are added part by part to the roasted content until a perfect dough is formed. The dough is now left aside for few hours to be fermented. Once the fermented dough arises, the cookie is now ready to get into perfect circular silhouettes, baked and served fresh into concealed packages to your doorsteps.

Buy millet cookies online at biteskart and grab us at your doorsteps immediately for fresh and healthy millet cookies.

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