Multi Millet Cookies
Multi Millet Cookies

Multi Millet Cookies

15 customer reviews


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Ingredients: Fox tail Millet, Finger Millet, Little Millet, Sourgham Millet, Roasted Gram, Country Sugar, Ghee and Cashew.

Rich in Protein, Fiber, anti oxidants, vitamins & minerals like Calcium, Iron

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Mixed Millet cookies, healthy anytime snacks. It can be consumed by people of all age group. Our millet cookies are loaded with all natural and organic ingredients making delicious yet healthy. Get it on: Health Benefits of Millet:
  • Millet contains significant levels of protein – which helps in growth and development of the body, It also helps make antibodies that fight off infections and illnesses and helps keep cells healthy and create new ones.
  • Contains fiber – which helps maintain healthy weight, normalizes bowel movement, helps reduce blood glucose level and lowers cholesterol level.
  • Stronger Bones – Foxtail millets are an excellent source of iron and calcium which play a pivotal role in maintaining the health of bones and muscles. Iron deficiency can cause various health conditions including weaker muscles, anemia, frequent muscle spasms.
  • Strengthens Nervous System – Nutritionists strongly recommend the intake the Foxtail millet for keeping various neurological disorders because it is loaded with Vitamin B1. Slows down the progression of various neurodegenerative conditions like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s etc.
  • Boosts Cardiac Health – Millets are in general popular for maintaining good heart health. Being gluten-free, rich in protein and less on carbs protects the heart functions.
  • Lowers Bad Cholesterol – Millet contains a good source of amino acids which play a crucial level in decreasing cholesterol by reducing excess fat in the liver.
  • Builds Immunity – In these days and times of pandemic, nothing is more important than a robust immunity. A rich source of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, Millet ups the stamina, keeps you stronger and builds immunity for fighting various infections lurking around. If you have fallen ill recently to any of the viral or bacterial infections, include it in daily diet for gaining the strength back. 
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