Top 10 Healthy Snacks for Kids
How do you define a snacks to be healthy?
Top 10 Healthy snacks for kids is briefed in this article. A snack is a small portion of food generally eaten between meals. Snacks come in a variety of forms including packaged snack foods and other processed foods, as well as items made from fresh ingredients at home. Most of the time we may grab some un healthy options which are full of sugar and fat.

Any snack which has less oil , less calories, nutritious and keeps you fuller for longer is a healthy snack. Its not always easy to make these snacks at home due to our busy routine. In the olden days our grandma’s used to make all the snacks required for the year long during the summer and preserve them to be enjoyed through out the year.

Nowadys kids are attracted to unhealthy and mostly fired foods. As a parent its our responsibility to guide them eat right from the beginning of their childhood itself. Though its going to be very tough in this modern era where kids are more in a world of lots and lots of fancy advertisement for the unhealthy junk foods, we have to educate them the right food as well as traditional foods.

Snacks are usually meant to be crispy, sweet, yummy and  with all kinds of tastes. As days are passing by, we are running out of time in everything we do, starting from skipping our breakfast. We lose our health by eating the tastiest snacks rather than eating the nutritional. Here it goes the Top 10 Healthy snacks for kids of TAMIL NADU, with all types of nutrients and an adventurous taste to your taste buds with distinct flavors.

All these snacks are complete meal itself with all nutrition required. Again sweets are always restricted to diabetic patients even if its made the nutritional and traditional way.

Kadalai mittai is one of the most famous and perfect diet snacks where use of only groundnut and jaggery without oil. 
Kadalai mittai is also callad as Groundnut Chikki, Peanut Chikki, Kadalai urundai. 
Nowadays children are getting so addicted to unhealthy and junk foods, there is a solution for this by giving them healthy snacks which is also tasty and healthy. 
By taking Kadalaimitai after a heavy meal where the combination of groundnut and jaggery help for  good digestion. 
Kadalai mittai is prepared with finely sourced groundnuts and cane sugar(Nattu Sakkarai) which keeps us healthy and energetic. 
the presence of jaggery in Kadalaimittai is loaded with antioxidants which help prevent from infections and builds stronger immunity. 
So just have it and stay healthy. 


Makhana is a delicious and crunchy snack made with lotus seeds. Makhana is healthy roasted lotus seeds snack that can be munched on whenever the hunger strikes.
Makhanas are rich in calcium,protein and minerals like zinc. so we can say it as super healthy snack,
makhanas are low in calories, making them an ideal snack for weight loss.
Makhana is gluten-free, protien rich and they are low in cholesterol,fat and sodium. 
this makes them an ideal sncak to satiate those in between meal hunger pangs. 
So pack these healthy diabetic friendly snack into your office snack box or enjoy the crunchy makhana with tea or coffee.
I can say it is a best snack option.


Millet Burfi is a tasty and healthy burfi we can say and it is made up of with millets. Millets contain much higher amount of fiber and essential minerals .
Millet is actually beneficial whole grai and it can help regulate blood pressure and improve heart health
Millet Burfi is a good snacks for kids and it is good for digestion. When we consume millet burfi the presence of millets in it, which are rich
in vitamin B and many other minerals.Millet Burfi is a good alternative for unhealthy snacks. Taste it and be healthy.


Millet Cookies are very healthy snack and it is tasty too the presence of Millet is loaded with nutrients and using it in a cookie is a great food for an eveing snack for kids 
and a guild free snack for adults. Millets are a vital part of a well balanced diet and it is very low in calories 
but is extremely rich in magnisium, fiber and oter imporant minerals and vitamins. 
Millets is rich in protien and make a good protien source for vegetarians.
Millets contain a high fibre content which is easily digestible for kids
Millets is considered a non allergenic food and so it is a great snack for kidswho may have food alergies. So why we need to consume the oily and unhealthy snacks when we 
get the tasty and healthy snacks around.Think about it and choose accordingly.


We as  Indians love our sweets and we cant imagine life without them. We often regret eating too 
many of them in one go as they are often loaded with sugar.Red rice laddu is a tasty and healthy snack and the presence of Red Rice in it is healthier than regular rice 
and is a rich source of iron,vitamins and antioxidant which are essential for good health. when we consume Red rice laddu it gives good skin heath also. The presence of jaggery in Red Rice Laddu is loaded with minerals and helps in digestion.
Both kids as well as adults enjoy having these laddus and you can buy it and store them in an airtight container so that you can have one later whenever you feel 
like having something sweet. Just try out this Red Rice laddu and make your snack time sweeter than ever.
All natural millet laddu made of country sugar and pure sugar displayed beautifully in a bowl


Ragi laddu are delicious healthy and nutrient dense ladoos made with ragi flour, Jaggery and nuts. Ragi Laddu or we can say sugarless ragi engerybites is loaded 
with calcium, iron and all the essential nutrients. These Ragi Laddu is an amazing snack for toddlers, kids and women. The presence of Ragi in Ragi Laddu is a rich source
of fiber and helps lower cholestrol level. Ragi is best food for weight control, diabletes and a cooling the body. If you are a health freek and trying to prevent refined
and fried foods, then you can go with healthy snacks like Ragi Laddu.


Honey is a sweet, thick liquid. Honey has countless medicinal properties and it is rich in antioxidants. Since ancient times, Honey has been used as both a food and a medicine.
Honey is useful in weight management, strengthen immune system, nourishes your skin and face and Honey is a natural home remedy for cough problems.
Honey is used for healing wounds and it acts a natural sleeping aid and many more benefits. Importantly with increasing pollution and dust many
people these days suffer from sinus related issues honey is good medicine for that too. Honey is particularly healthy when used instead of refined sugar.


Carrot Dates Mysorepak is a super nutritious snack. The combo of carrot and dates make it a heaven. Carrot Dates Mysorepak is a great munch nibbles idea for the
kid's snack boxes, as they are packed with rich fruits and veggies. Carrot are healthy, as they have a high content of carotene and other vitamins along with fiber.
The dates, as you all know is a store house of minerals like Potassium and Manganese. Carrot Dates Mysorepak can be assured that will curb your sweet cravings while, 
providing you with added nutritive supplements, whatelse we want just go ahead and enjoy your nutritious treat! It is so good.


Ellu Burfy is very healthy, nutritious snack which is rich in calcium and iron. We can also say Ellu Burfy is our traditional and healthy snack. Ellu Burfy is called by some different
names sesame burfi, sesame candy or sesame balls. This Ellu Burfy is eatable by all aged people, especially for children. Ellu Burfi is made up of sesame seeds and jaggery
it is a crispy sweet.Ellu Burfy are power packed seeds and when combined with karupati/jaggery their nutritional value increase. Ellu Burfy is the best snack for human bone density
issues and really great for kids health. Ellu Burfy holds nutrients that gives energy, flexibility in plasma veins and joints.Ellu Burfy is a guild free snacks which can be enjoyed anytime.The presence of jaggery in Ellu Burfy is loaded with antioxidants which help prevent from infections and builds stronger immunity. 
So just have it and stay healthy. 


Beetroot Granules is a colourful healthy snack. As we all know, Beetroot is bundled with health benefits and if it gets as a snack whoelse thinks for having that.When we consume this 
Beetroot granules snack the presence of beetroot helps reduce blood pressure and it helps in the production of red blood cells and is a natuaral blood purifier.Beetroot has anti ageing
properties and assists in maintaining glowing skin, strengthen the digestive system and good source of iron, potassium and other minerals.Enjoy the Beetroot Granules snack 
stay healthy and be happy.

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