Fine Peanut Almond Burfi

What can be more delicious than your favorite Barfi, when it comes with a fusion of your bet ingredients. Yes, at biteskart we serve your favorite mix of almonds and peanuts in barfi, by manimark. It’s serves you as a pocket friendly snack of you at your time of huger.

Healthy Yummy Peanut Almond Barfi


  • Peanuts
  • Almonds
  • Ghee
  • Cardamom
  • Jaggery


  • Peanuts of good quality are finely roasted in an ample amount of ghee until a mild aroma evaporates.
  • Once cooled, these peanuts are coarsely grinded and mixed along with refined boiling jaggery syrup and are blended well.
  •  A pinch of cardamon and ghee are added to sparkle and mold them perfectly in shape.
  • Once it cools down and settles, they are then cut out in desired shapes with almonds in center as a perfect piece of cherry on the cake and served in concealed packs at your favorite store – biteskart.
  • Order online immediately at to enjoy this fine peanut almond barfi with friends and family.

Health benefits:

  • Improves Hemoglobin and anemia
  • Rich in Iron, Magnesium
  • Diabetic friendly
  • Strengthens bones

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