There is a common opinion that millet is not very tasty. So people do not prefer millet or they consume millets along with refined flour or refined sugar to consume it. But millet can be made healthy when done right. We at biteskart produce foxtail millet (thinai) laddu that is tasty and healthy.

Foxtail millet(thinai) laddu displayed in a copper vessel
Foxtail millet laddu at biteskart


  • Foxtail millet
  • Roasted gram
  • Jaggery
  • Cashew nut
  • Ghee


  • We are more concerned about people’s health because happy costumers equals happy us. We prepare this laddu in an hygienic environment with people wearing hand gloves and head cap.
  • We grind the ingredients into a fine powder separately and then mix it well in a big container.
  • Then we add ghee to it for binding the mixture and then it is made into a laddu.
  • Now a shining and mouth watering laddu is ready to be tasted.
  • Order now for this delicious and healthy laddu and enjoy it with your family and friends.


  • Foxtail millet (thinai) laddu is rich in protein
  • Rich in minerals
  • Boosts energy
  • Rich in fiber
  • Helps improve digestibility

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