Kambu cookies in a box
Pearl millet (kambu) cookies
Pearl millet (kambu) cookies

Pearl millet (kambu) cookies


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Kambu cookies in a box


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Cookies are happy foods its filled with energy and sugars and it excites kids and elders. Do you know when it was found? Cookies appears to have originated in 7th century AD in Persia. Then it travelled around the world and due to its sweetness people loved it and there is no house without cookies these days. It ahs evolved very much through ages now. Cookies are shared to their loved ones during Christmas and New year. Cookie hampers are very much used as gifts for families and friends. But the cookies are made with refined flour and refined sugar and the kind of butter used is not known. We at biteskart are making cookies that are healthy and tasty, with millets. No refined flour, no refined sugar and no margarine. We only use millets, jaggery powder and best quality butter. Get your kids the best cookies which also contains pure chocolate from https://www.biteskart.com


Pearl Millet is one of the oldest cultivated crops since pre-historic times and ranks as the sixth most important grain in the world. It is known as Bajra in Hindi, Bengali, Punjabi, Urdu, and Oriya; Kamboo in Tamil and Malyalam; Sajjalu in Telugu, and Bajri in Marathi and Gujarati. It is a cereal crop grown at a very large scale in India. Africa and Asia has poor acidic medium of soil, which is usually highly unsuitable for wheat, rice, maize, sorghum, and barley. Pearl millet grows better than other cereals. In India, pearl Millet is commonly used as a major cereal in the states of Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Haryana, and Uttar Pradesh.


  • Treats Iron Deficiency Anemia – Pearl millet is a very rich source of iron. Pearl millet also contained abundant amount of zinc, which is essential for normal growth and development of a strong immune system. 
  • Reduces Blood Sugar Levels – Pearl millet is very effectively used to maintain normal blood sugar levels. It has a high fiber content, which slows down digestion and releases the glucose into the blood at a slower rate, thereby helps to maintain normal blood sugar levels for a comparatively longer duration of time.
  • Aids in Weight Loss – It has high fiber content and usually takes a longer time for the cereal grain to move out from the stomach to the small intestines. Hence, pearl millet subsides hunger for a longer duration of time, eventually leading to lesser intake of calories, thereby helps to lose weight.
  • Reduces Cholesterol – Pearl millet contains a chemical, known as phytic acid, which is proposed to increase the cholesterol metabolism, thereby stabilizing the cholesterol level in the body. It also contains the vitamin niacin, which reduces the cholesterol.
  • Prevent Insomnia – Regular and moderate consumption of pearl millet relaxes the body, brings in a calm feeling, and fights off insomnia. A light breakfast with pearl millet ensures a stress-free day without headaches.
  • Benefits for women – Pearl millet is good for lactating mothers. Lactating mothers must include pearl millet in their diet to increase milk production. In addition, pearl millet has three times the amount of calcium, which is present in milk. Thus, the consumption of pearl millet is beneficial for both mother and the babies. Pearl millet is considered to be one of the best home remedies for menstrual cramps along with associated mood swings and irritability.
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“A sweet and healthy treat”

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