Black gram laddu
Black gram laddu
Black gram laddu

Black gram laddu

22 customer reviews


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Black gram flour, gram flour, country sugar, ghee, cashew

Rich in protein, vitamins, minerals, anti oxidants, iron.

Weight: 180 Grms / 6 Pieces

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Black gram laddu


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Highlights :
  • Fresh home made laddu
  • Hygienically prepared
  • Made with premium quality country sugar
  • Made with premium quality uthukuli cow ghee
  • Made with black gram purchased directly from farmers
  • No artificial ingredients present
  • No added preservatives or colors
  • 100% Natural

Are you looking for a healthy dessert for everyday munch after a meal

or for sharing joy during festival time ? 

When it comes to buying a product people get soo much confused in choosing the right product, we are here to guide you. There are some common question people get in their mind during purchase.


Black gram is a usual food that we consume. We add it in dosa and idly but those varieties are polished and the husk is also being removed during this process. The healthy variant is the one with the husk and unpolished, we use that variant for the preparation of black gram laddu. Black gram is said to provide added benefits for girls and women. In our tradition it is a practice to give karuppu ulundhu to the girl attending puberty. Instead of giving refined sugar sweets in the puberty function it is better to give these kinds of sweets which provides added benefits during menstrual periods. If you have a girl who has just attended puberty get this black gram laddu from biteskart and gift it to them. This will help them from severe hip pain and reduces cramps and helps to decrease the chance of c-section in the future.


The black gram, urad bean, mash kalai, uzhunnu parippu, ulundu paruppu, minapa pappu, Uddu (in Kannada) or black matpe is a bean grown in South Asia. Black gram originated in South Asia, where it has been in cultivation from ancient times and is one of the most highly prized pulses of India. It is very widely used in Indian cuisine. In India the black gram is one of the important pulses grown in both Kharif and Rabi seasons. This crop is extensively grown in southern part of India, northern part of Bangladesh and Nepal. Black gram has also been introduced to other tropical areas such as the Caribbean, Fiji, Mauritius, Myanmar and Africa.


  • It improves digestion – One of the biggest perks of consuming black gram is that it has high quantities of dietary fiber. Thus, if you are suffering from any digestive issues such as diarrhea, constipation, cramps, or bloating, black grams can certainly be a good addition.
  • It boosts your energy – As black grams contain very high levels of iron, they are really good at increasing the overall energy levels in your body.
  • It boosts bone mineral density – Black grams are filled with important minerals such as magnesium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, and calcium which helps in improving bone mineral density
  • Its good for diabetics – It prevents dramatic drops and spikes in the sugar levels, thus controlling your blood sugar.
  • It reduces pain – Black gram is widely used in order to relieve people from pain and inflammation. It has large amounts of vitamins and minerals, and can boost your metabolism. It helps decrease oxidative stress as well.
  • It is good for your heart – Black gram is also extremely good for your heart health. As it has high quantities of fiber, magnesium, and potassium, it is known to provide multiple benefits that can keep your cardiovascular system healthy. Potassium is known to reduce tension in the arteries and veins, lowering your blood pressure significantly. The magnesium present in black grams can help stimulate your blood circulation, bringing more oxygen to all your organs. As a result, with all these effects, your cardiovascular system remains healthy.
  • It is a diuretic – Another advantage of black grams is that it is a diuretic which means that it stimulations urination. As a result, your body can get rid of harmful toxins, ureic acid, excess water, excess fat, and even calcium stored in the kidneys. As a result it can prevent kidney stones from occurring.

We have seen the benefits of the main ingredients still not satisfied; okay, lets see other added benefits

  • This black gram laddu contains jaggery powder.
  • Refined white sugar contains only “empty calories” which has no nutrition as the molasses is removed in them. Whereas jaggery powder has vitamins, minerals, iron, potassium, magnesium and other extra nutrients. Even though it is also a sugar it is better than using white sugar on a daily basis.
  • Jaggery stimulates bowel movements and aids in digestion making it an ideal choice to prevent constipation.
  • It prevents anemia because of its higher iron content and women who have low hemoglobin complaints can make it a habit to add jaggery in their food on a regular basis to improve their condition.
  • It improves your immunity.
INGREDIENTS:  Black gram, bengal gram, jaggery powder, cashew nut, ghee. SHELF-LIFE:
  • Shelf-life of black gram laddu is 2 months
  • Can be stored at room temperature.
  • Black gram laddu is available through out the year.
  • Shipped in 2-3 days when ordered.
  • All the items are prepared after the order is given, this is to ensure that our customers receive the most fresh items and hence takes 2 days for shipping.
You can also order other traditional snacks like uppu seedai, foxtail millet laddu to enjoy along with the black gram laddu at with your family and friends.


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